Tips and Advice for Dogs - All About Dogs

How To Wash Your Dog

How To Wash Your Dog Bathing your dog can be a wonderful bonding experience but it’s also a very practical necessity for our sometimes smelly, four-legged family members. Dogs don’t…

The Best Family Dogs

The Best Family Dogs

The Best Family Dogs Buying a dog with your family in mind is an important decision. There are some breeds that are known to be excellent with children. We discuss…

Why Dogs Eat Grass

Why Dogs Eat Grass ?

WHY DOGS EAT GRASS? Dogs, unlike cats, are no longer considered to be carnivorous, but omnivorous. Even though some may find it strange, grass eating is s a rather common…

How to teach kids to be safe with dogs

How to teach kids to be safe with dogs

For the most part dogs are our loveable, goofy, tail-wagging companions and important family members. However, teaching children to be safe around dogs, both those they know and those they…

Dog Exercises

Dog Exercises

DOG EXERCISES Exercise is as important for your dog as it is for you. Ensuring your dog gets the right kinds of exercise will go a long way to keeping…

Dog Insurance Policies

Dog Insurance Policies

Dog Insurance Policies Before you gamble on your pooch’s health care, here’s what you need to know about dog insurance policies When it comes to owning a dog, their many…

What To Do When Dog Dies

What To Do When Dog Dies

What To Do When Dog Dies More times that I can count, I have received a call from a parent saying sadly, “We have to put our dog down. I…

Human Food For Dogs

HUMAN FOOD FOR DOGS We try to keep our dogs on their canine diets but sometimes we just can’t resist slipping them an occasional human morsel. If you’d like to…