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Differences between Golden Retriever and Labrador Retriever

Differences between Golden Retriever and Labrador Retriever

Golden Retrievers and Labradors Retrievers are both breeds of lovable, family dogs. Their trainability and willingness to please have made retrievers popular as assistance dogs. A retriever is a type of gun dog that retrieves game for a hunter.

 Golden Retriever


The Golden Retriever is a large breed used primarily as a gundog and a retriever for small game. It is known for its lustrous light brown (golden) coat, which is double layered and provides them ample warmth in cold weather. Golden Retrievers are highly intelligent and respond well to both basic and advanced training, which makes them suitable for a number of roles including seeing-eye dogs, hearing dogs, search and rescue, hunting, and an affectionate, extroverted family companion.

 All About: Golden Retriever


Nicknames Goldens
Color Only golden and yellowish gold in color with a strong variation in shade, and black noses.With black eyes
Origin of breed British Isles .
Introduction (from Wikipedia) The Golden Retriever is a large-sized breed of dog bred as gun dogs to retrieve shot waterfowl such as ducks and upland game birds during hunting and shooting parties,[1] and were named ‘retriever’ because of their ability to retrieve shot game undam
Temperament More calm, Golden Retrievers tend to want to be with people all the time, and desire a lot of attention.The Golden wants to please its owner. This trait makes the golden very easy to train.
Physical characteristics Bushy, shaggy tails with webbed feet and an oily coat make the Golden incredibly fast swimmer
Grooming Longer, bushier coats with moderate feathering and therefore need more grooming.
Litter size 5-10 puppies
Country of origin Scotland

Labrador Retriever


The Labrador Retriever is one of many breeds of the retriever hunting type. Extremely loyal and intelligent, Labradors are one the most popular pet breeds in numerous countries, including the United States. While they still serve the purpose for which they were initially bred, which is retrieving small downed waterfowl, they are also adept at a number of other jobs including leading the blind, acting as hearing dogs, and police and military work. Their kind nature, obedience, and knack for getting along with children also gives them the reputation of being the ideal pet.

 All About: Labrador Retriver


Nicknames Labs
Color Labrador Retrievers can come in black, chocolate golden-yellow or fawn with black noses. The nose of Some fawn Labradors that lack pigmentation can turn pink as they grow older, giving them the name ‘Dudley.’
Origin of breed A breed of dog originally bred in Canada.
Introduction (from Wikipedia) The Labrador Retriever (also Labrador, or Lab for short) is one of several kinds of retriever, a type of gun dog. Known for its kindness,intelligence and loyalty.
Temperament Labradors are more independent by nature. They are also very curious about everything, making them better explorers.the lab can be independent which can make them harder to train
Physical characteristics Strong broad tails and webbed feet make Labradors excellent swimmers. Their interwoven coat is relatively waterproof allowing them to swim
Grooming Short straight hair that is easier to maintain. They shed hair twice annually or regularly throughout the year in temperate climates. Their hair is coarse.
Litter size 5-13
Country of origin Canada

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