Dogs Health and Care - All About Dogs
Best dog food for pregnant dogs

Best Dog Food For Pregnant Dogs

Pregnant dogs require a specialized diet to ensure puppies develop properly. Pregnant dog care needs to be a primary concern, and the dog food you choose impacts fetal health and…

Dementia In Dogs

Dementia In Dogs

Dementia In Dogs Is your aging dog showing some curious behavior changes? Dementia and senility are broad terms used to describe these changes. In dogs, the disease is generally called Canine…

Diarrhea in dogs

Diarrhea in Dogs

Diarrhea in dogs does not have to be a disease in itself and owners shouldn’t be worrying if given sporadically. People who live with dogs know that this is not…

Mesothelioma in dogs

Mesothelioma in dogs – Rare tumor

Mesothelioma in dogs – Rare Tumor Mesotheliomas are rare tumors derived from the cellular tissue that lines the cavities and interior structures of the body. These linings are called the…

Good vegetables for dogs

Good Vegetables for Dogs

Good Vegetables for Dogs We love to share food with our dogs, and since vegetables are healthy for us, we often assume they’re healthy for our pets too. In fact, there…

Can dogs get pimples

Can dogs get pimples?

Dogs are just like people when it comes to acne. They tend to get acne as teenagers, but the only difference is that they are not self-conscious about it in…

Leg tremors in dogs

Leg Tremors in Dogs

A tremor is an involuntary, rhythmic twitching of opposing muscles. They usually are visible to the naked eye and sometimes can even be felt when touching affected areas. Tremors are…

Dogs with hives

Dogs with hives

What should I do if my dog has HIV When your dog has hives the owner goes through an emotional period of stress just like the dog is going through….