Categories: Health & Care

Bad Food For Dogs

Bad Food For Dogs

Many foods which are perfectly common amongst humans are dangerous for dogs.

Dogs are often a source of great happiness for those who own them. You would do anything to please them, but beware! Certain foods that are quite common to humans should not be given to animals.


Avocado contains persin. Persin is a fungicide toxin found in all avocado (leaves, wood, etc.). It is harmless for humans, except in case of allergy (rare). It should never be given to cats, dogs, rabbits, birds, fish or horses. It can cause death for all these animals!

Garlic and Onions

Both foods contain thiosulfate. For humans, thiosulfate is an antidote to cyanide. On the other hand, for dogs and cats, it causes hemolytic anemias, which is a destruction of red blood cells that carry oxygen. Your pet can quickly develop anemia which is characterized by vomiting, weakness, loss of spirit and breathing difficulties.

Coffee and Tea

Or any other source of caffeine can kill your dog. The symptoms of caffeine poisoning are almost the same as for humans but there is no antidote: fast heart rate, breathing difficulties, tremors, bleeding. Be careful because there are many sources of caffeine: cola drinks, energy drinks, cocoa and chocolate.

Grapes and Berries in Bunches

All these fruits may seem harmless at first but for a dog, they can cause kidney failure, one of the early signs are vomiting. Then usually followed by lethargy.

Dairy products

Like humans, animals are genetically made to digest milk during growth. In adulthood, once the weaning is over, the enzyme that digests the milk sugar is extinguished. Giving dairy products (most often milk or ice cream in summer) to your pet, be it a dog or a cat, is a bad idea and is likely to cause trouble digestive identical to ours: bloating, diarrhea, etc.

Macadamia Nuts

An unknown toxic compound found in macadamia nuts can poison dogs. Ingestion may cause weakness, tremors or paralysis. This effect can occur with very small quantities (some nuts) but it also seems possible with products derived from this nut (butter, etc.). In general, nuts and oilseeds are to be avoided.

Sweets and Gums

Chewing gum and other sweet products may contain a sweetener, xylitol. This, contrary to what happens for humans, can cause a massive rise in the production of insulin (the hormone that carries sugar in the body) and then liver failure accompanied by various symptoms: vomiting, lethargy, epileptic seizures.


What a delight! While it is good for our cardiovascular function but certainly not for your dog or cat. On the one hand, it contains caffeine and on the other hand, it contains theobromine, a substance of the same family. While the man can eliminate theobromine very quickly, dogs and cats cannot, which will then cause the same symptoms as for coffee. The darker the chocolate, the higher the danger. The smaller your pet, the sooner the poisoning occurs.

The Bones of the Meal

Although it may seem natural to give it to a dog, bones can be very dangerous, especially when cooked. In fact, they become more brittle and can break into sharp pieces that will damage the teeth and sometimes cause perforation of the digestive tract whose consequences can be dramatic. Experts agree that the only bones that should be given to a dog are large (e.g. beef) and raw.

Apricots, Peaches, Plums, Pears and Cherries

All these fruits contain cyanogenic glycosides that make them unfit for consumption for dogs, cats or horses. The symptoms of intoxication are red plaques, dilated pupils, difficulty breathing and finally a state of shock that can lead to death. If you want to give fresh fruit to your dog, do it with some pieces of apple, banana, orange or watermelon but do not forget to remove all the seeds beforehand!

Raw Eggs

It could transmit deadly bacteria to your pet such as Escherichia coli. In addition, raw egg white contains an enzyme that interferes with the absorption of vitamin B8, which is a big problem consumed often.

Raw Meat and Fish

It should not be forgotten that raw meat can transmit bacteria sometimes very dangerously, like eggs. The fish can be contaminated by a parasite which can be fatal for your animal if it is not treated quickly. The symptoms are vomiting and fever. It is not advisable to give raw fish to dogs or cats. They will prefer cooked lean meat.

Sweet Foods and Drinks

Even if they do not contain toxic sweetener, it should not be given to your dog or cat. As for humans, these products tend to fatten, give cavities and can lead to diabetes.

Cake Dough

If your dog, like a child, approaches the kitchen to taste the cake dough or bread dough, do not give it to him if it contains yeasts. They start a fermentation process that could continue in the dog’s intestines, causing bloating and pain. In addition, in some cases bacteria can produce alcohol, causing alcohol poisoning.


Your dog can eat a cooked potato but never raw! Also, do not give him sweet potatoes. This plant would give him diarrhea and hallucinations. It is also toxic to a cat or a horse. If you want to give vegetables to your dog, give him carrots, cucumber, zucchini or green beans instead.


The same family as buckwheat (Polygonacea), rhubarb contains calcium oxalate which can poison dogs, cats or horses. Symptoms are tremors, salivation and kidney failure.


Share your weekend beer with a dog? Bad idea. Alcohol has the same effect on dogs as on humans, but this effect appears much faster and for much lower amounts of alcohol. Why? Because the ability of the liver to eliminate alcohol is proportional to size and weight. A dog can therefore make an ethyl coma with a small amount of alcohol. Keep the beer for you.


Giving drugs from your own medicine cabinet to your dog can be fatal. This is the first cause of poisoning for animals. Always ask your veterinarian for advice.

When it comes to animals, caution is necessary. If in doubt, do not hesitate to take an advice from your veterinarian.

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Photo Credit: Ted Murphy/Flickr


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