Can Dogs Eat Eggs: Are Eggs Good for Dogs - All About Dogs

Can Dogs Eat Eggs

Can Dogs Eat Eggs

Can Dogs Eat Eggs? To say it in advance: dogs are allowed to eat eggs. Raw, cooked and with the eggshell. You should be careful only with large quantities of raw white egg.

Are Eggs Good for Dogs

Yes. Eggs play a minor role in a dog nutrition. Eggs contain high levels of unsaturated fatty acids. In addition, they are rich with vitamins and high-quality protein. Everything is very healthy and therefore the four-legged friends are basically allowed to eat eggs, but it depends on the preparation as well as the amount.

Boiled Eggs are Healthy in Moderation

Boiled eggs are allowed. Most popular is the egg’s yolk. It is liked by most animals. Nevertheless, you should not feed boiled eggs carelessly. The egg yolk contains a lot of cholesterol. Therefore, eggs were also able to increase the heart attack risk for humans, where cholesterol is an important component of nerve cells, the cell membrane, and hormones. Too much of it, however, represents an oversupply of fat and this affects especially small dogs. The cholesterol is difficult to break down and it can lead to metabolic disorders. You are welcome to feed boiled egg yolks in small quantities.

Raw Egg Yolk must be fresh

The situation is quite different with raw eggs. Again, and again, you hear or read that a raw egg yolk would be very healthy for the dog’s fur. That is basically correct. The contained fat acids have a very positive effect on skin and fur. With a raw egg yolk, however, you must always pay attention to absolute freshness. You can easily recognize a fresh egg by placing the raw egg in a glass of water. If the egg is fresh, it immediately sinks to the ground and stays there. The older the egg is, the sooner it will start to swim.

With bad storage or older eggs, there is the danger of Salmonella. Therefore, you should always take great care when handling raw eggs.

Related: Can Dogs Eat PumpkinCan Dogs Eat Peas.

Can Dogs Eat Eggs

Avoid feeding egg whites

Raw protein, however, is absolutely taboo for the dog. Egg white contains the substance avidin. And this substance prevents the absorption of biotin. However, for dogs, biotin is an extremely important vitamin, also known as vitamin H or vitamin B7. If there is a deficiency, a disturbed metabolism is a result. A biotin deficiency is usually visible first on the coat. The fur structure deteriorates. The coat is shaggy and dull. It becomes itchy and red. If biotin deficiency persists, it can lead to serious illnesses. However, the solution is quite simple, because the avidin contained in the egg white can be easily deactivated by heating and then the protein is normally tolerated by dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Eggshells

Not only the inside of a chicken egg is important for the dog. You can also use the shell. Because eggshells contain a lot of calcium, which is important for dogs Take the eggshells and grind them in the mortar or in the food processor and sprinkle a little bit over the food. However, always make sure that the bowls are clean. Because shells that are contaminated by soil or feces can contain numerous bacteria. This is dangerous for both humans and animals. It is best to use the skins of boiled eggs.

Egg Breakfast for Dogs

An egg is part of a pleasurable and hearty breakfast for many people. This can be soft or hard-boiled, comes as a fried egg or scrambled eggs on the plate or even baked with cheese, spinach or ham. The popular breakfast egg not only tastes delicious, it also contains a lot of essential nutrients that are very healthy for the human body.

Photo Credit: Kristi/Flickr; quimby/Flickr; liz west/Flickr

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