Small Hypoallergenic Dogs - All About Dogs

Small Hypoallergenic Dogs

Small Hypoallergenic Dogs

The underlying cause is not dog hair, as many people think, but a protein that is contained in the body cells and a dog’s discharges. It consists of their hair, saliva, urine or dander (dead skin cells). Some breeds of dogs are considered hypoallergenic because they have little or no symptoms of allergy. These small hypoallergenic dogs usually shed dandruff and drool very little. A small amount of allergens gets caught in their fur and does not get into the environment.

Dog lovers agree that dogs are lovely and loyal animals that bring a lot of compassion and love into our lives. But they can also cause allergenic symptoms such as sneezing, itching, runny nose or even hives.  

Some of small dogs that don’t shed:

Yorkshire Terrier

Small Hypoallergenic Dogs

The cute little dog has a silky, shiny and long coat hair. A full-bodied Yorkie has a coat in steel blue color with full light brown on the chest. The dog is very curious, keen to research, but also obstinate and therefore requires consistent leadership. He takes the task of protecting the house and the owner, quite seriously. The Yorkshire Terrier can also be upset, especially with other dogs, usually when they are taller. He fits into a flat but can make the lives of his people and neighbors hell if his talents come to light.

As active dogs, Yorkies should enjoy daily walks. Your long hair can become matted and brushed daily. A short hairstyle is easy to clean and should only be brushed once or twice a week.

Shih Tzu

Small Hypoallergenic Dogs

The Shih Tzu is small, cuddly dog ​​has a lion-like appearance because of his mane. It was a favorite breed of Chinese emperors, in the ancient times. The dog has a long, rather strong body with short legs. The color of his long and dense coat can be different. These tender and lively animals are good with children and the elderly and are extremely self-confident. Although Shih Tzus is commonly referred to as a “pet dog” and likes cuddling, they like to demonstrate their independence, which makes training a bit more difficult. 

The attitude, in an apartment, is not a problem, as long as you take a short walk with the dog daily or let him let off some steam in the garden or park. The long, silky matted hair easily and requires elaborate care. The care routine consists of the daily brushing and weekly bath. The slightly bulging eyes are particularly prone to infection and should be kept clean. These dogs have little or no hair.

West Highland White Terrier

Small Hypoallergenic Dogs

Also known as Westie, the West Highland White Terrier is a robust, small dog with a white, dense, slightly wavy and hard top coat. He is very lively, wants to be everywhere and likes to travel with his owner. Some Westies prefer to occupy themselves and are possessive of their toys and food. Sometimes the dog’s nature is stubborn and belligerent, but it depends on education. You can comfortably live in a flat and should go on a daily walk. The coat of the terrier requires special attention. Dead hair does not fall by itself, so the coat should be carefully plucked and trimmed every 2-3 months. Every year, the dog should also be shorn.

Bichon Frise

Small Hypoallergenic Dogs

The Bichon Frise is a small hypoallergenic dog with a soft dense undercoat and a smooth, silky top coat. Their coat is usually pure white, apricot or gray color. The Bichon Frise is easy to work out, has lots of energy and loves cuddling. The dogs are very social and intelligent, they can easily learn different tricks. The breed is ideal for small children and the elderly. The Bichon Frisé can live in a flat without as well. With their playful character, the dogs need daily exercise. They need to be brushed every day and need a bath and professional care about once a month. This reduces the number of allergens in the coat and the hair removal.


Small Hypoallergenic Dogs

This cuddly and small hypoallergenic dogs ​​are very popular for their cute appearance and playful temperament. His white coat may have an ivory tone. The Maltese is very intelligent, extremely affectionate, playful and lively and loves to do tricks. It can bark quite loudly at any suspicious noise. This breed needs regular bathing and shampooing, its long, silky coat should be brushed gently every day. The eyes and ears are also cleaned regularly. The dogs have little or no hair and are hypoallergenic.

Scottish Terrier

Small Hypoallergenic Dogs

Short legs and a long-bearded face characterize Scotties. They have a soft undercoat and a hard, wiry top hair, which appears in the colors of black and gray, wheat-colored and brindle. Lively, independent, obstinate and possessing a tendency of dominance, the dogs should be consistently and firmly educated, which can be a challenge for a dog owner. They are loyal, protective and need socialization with other dogs. They are good for an apartment, and the only downside may be the predisposition of frequent barking. A daily walk outdoor romping is enough to meet your dog’s urge to move. The Scottish Terrier needs no extra care for his coat. However, he should regularly be brushed and trimmed about every three months. The dogs have little hair and are hypoallergenic.

Border Terrier

Small Hypoallergenic Dogs

These small hypoallergenic dogs have a double coat made of the hard-top coat and the short soft undercoat, which gives them a charmingly unkempt look. The coat color can be beige, red, blue etc. Border Terrier dogs are agile, lively and courageous, also tender and get on well with children. The training is easy. However, contact with other pets may not be pleasing because the breed has a hunting edge. These four-legged friends love to bark and dig holes in the ground. With wrong training, they can show a fearful behavior. The dogs can be kept in an apartment, but should have a small, fenced outlet area available; daily long walks with the dog are essential. The coat should be brushed once a week and professionally maintained once every six months. The dogs have little hair and are suitable for people with allergies.

Cairn Terrier

Small Hypoallergenic Dogs

The Cairn Terrier is a nimble, attentive, hard-working breed, well known to many by the dog ‘Toto’ in The Wizard of Oz. The coat has a hard top coat in cream, wheat, red, gray or almost black colors. These dogs fascinate children by their ability to perform various tricks and curious nature. Although they can live in an apartment, they should have enough daily exercise. The coat is brushed several times a week. Bathing is done once a month, with the hair to be combed thoroughly after bathing so that the hair does not become matted. The dogs have very little hair.

Australian Silky Terrier

Small Hypoallergenic Dogs

Australian Silky Terriers are small hypoallergenic dogs, stocky dog ​​that has little or no hair. He has a shaggy, long coat that can be tan, blue, sand, or red with a lighter pigtail. The dogs are brave, loyal and easy to train. The Australian Terriers are obedient and friendly towards children and pets. However, they must be watched closely, especially when dealing with small pets. The male is not necessarily good with other males. The breed is suitable for keeping in apartments without land. The dog should have a daily spout, the coat to be brushed 2-3 times a week.


Small Hypoallergenic Dogs

Bologneses are small hypoallergenic dogs with a pure white, woolly coat. He has very little hair shedding. The temperament resembles his cousin, the Bichon Frize, only the Bolognese is a little more docile and serious. These dogs are very obedient and friendly and get on well with everyone and can live in a flat without a garden. They need daily exercise and exercise-intensive games can work well. The coat should be combed every day and groomed professionally once a month.

Coton de Tulear

Coton de Tulear

The Coton de Tulear, also known by the nickname Cotie, has a fluffy, long coat in colors white, black and white or tri-color. The dog is very affectionate and gets along well with children and pets. The Cotie is very curious, intelligent and playful and can entertain anyone with his tricks. The breed can be kept in a flat without a plot. Coton de Tulear are good family dogs. In education, a firm and consistent approach is necessary. The dog has great stamina, can play for hours and needs spout every day. The coat should be groomed daily with comb and brush so that its wavy long hair is not felted. The hair between the toes should be checked weekly and kept short.

Norfolk Terrier

Norfolk Terrier

The Norfolk Terrier is a short-haired, hypoallergenic dog breed that has very little hair. The small, deep-set, dashing, compact and powerful dog with floppy ears is a close relative of Norwich Terrier. The wiry, short coat comes in different shades of red, beige, black or white colors. The dogs are quite intelligent, easy to train and especially like to catch and pick with them. They work well with other pets and children but may consider small animals as prey. A lot of movement is necessary for their lively and energizing nature. For the attitude is quite an apartment. You do not need special care – daily combing with a steel comb is enough, bathing is only on demand.

Norwich Terrier

Norwich Terrier

The Norwich Terrier differs from the Norfolk Terrier primarily in its appearance – the Norwich Terrier has stub ears. The double-fur of this breed is wiry and feels rough. It has different shades of red, beige, black, wheat and greyish. The dogs are very friendly, warm and come along well with children and pets. They are playful, quite easy to train and are particularly suitable for active families. The Norwich Terriers feel well in a flat well. A good daily walk and an occasional game of catch are necessary to keep the dog active. The dogs must be brushed or combed daily.

Miniature Schnauzer

Miniature Schnauzer

Miniature Schnauzers are small, strong, stocky, hypoallergenic dogs. They have a double skin in pure black with a black undercoat, as well as pepper salt, black silver and pure white with white undercoat. Their coat is usually cut. The dogs have bushy eyebrows, mustaches, and beards that give them a special look. If they are well socialized and educated, they can be loving and friendly pets, otherwise, they bark too much and tend to aggression. They fit well in an apartment, but need regular physical employment. A long walk every day is enough to give her energy. The coat should be brushed daily and cut with good hair quality twice a year. With proper care, the dogs are as good as no hair and are suitable for people.

Cesky Terrier

Cesky Terrier

The Cesky Terrier is a relatively new breed and appears as a small to a medium-sized, low-pitched dog with a silky, long and wavy coat in various shades of gray, beige or liver brown. He has a quiet appearance unlike other terriers and is a loyal, playful and friendly dog. The Cesky Terrier works well with children and pets as far as he is treated with respect. He is completely satisfied with his life in an apartment and long, daily walks. It is a great jogging companion because he likes to run permanently. The Cesky Terrier is usually shorn except for its beard and the area around the eyes, runs, abdomen, and chest. Twice a week, the coat should be brushed and combed, cut every four months.

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