How to Stop Your Dog From Biting - All About Dogs

How to Stop Your Dog From Biting

How to Stop Your Dog From Biting

How to Stop Your Dog From Biting

Millions of people get bitten by dogs every year and a huge percentage of them end up needing immediate medical attention. Not only does this put humans and other pets at risk, but it also harms your dog and gives him a harder time around people.

In order to lessen these occurrences or, better yet, stop your dog from biting altogether, it helps to know that dogs bite when they’re being possessive (of toys, territory, food, own puppies, etc.), afraid (of strangers, veterinarians, touchy people), in pain, or challenged (when you run past them or keep eye contact).

The next step is to know the warning signs of a dog that’s about to attack or bite:

  • Ears (usually) pinned back
  • Fur along their backs stand up
  • The whites of their eyes become visible
  • Yawning, to show off their teeth
  • Non-social behavior, such as freezing in response to touch
  • Direct intense eye contact along with slow movement

Finally, below are several steps you can take in order to stop your dog from biting:

1. Have your dog spayed or neutered?

If you don’t plan on breeding your dog, perhaps the easiest and fastest option is to have your dog spayed or neutered. It’s been proven that spayed and neutered dogs are more affectionate and calm, so they’re less prone to roaming, biting, running away and getting into fights.

2. Exercise and play with your dog.

Such activities help expend excess energy that can possibly be turned into nervousness, and we all know they can get pretty aggressive when nervous and insecure. And speaking of aggressiveness, you’ll have to avoid playing aggressively with your dog as this only encourages this kind of behavior. This means no wrestling or tugs of war that can lead to dominance issues.

3. Get your dog socialized.

Getting your dog socialized helps him become more comfortable with being active and with other people. It reinforces the bond between them and humans. But as you try to expose your dog to more people and situations, take caution and make sure you don’t overwhelm him.

4. Train your dog well

It helps to teach your dog basic commands—such as sit, stays, come, stop/leave it—early on. This way, you’ll have established authority and dominance over your dog and you can use commands to help control your dog to keep accidents from happening.

5. Temporarily contain your dog.

While your dog is prone to biting, don’t allow him to roam free in places where he can be a danger to others. This means keeping him in a short leash and maybe make him wear an anti-biting muzzle while you’re out and keeping him in a cage at home.

Aside from all of these, remember that there are also other ways that you can lessen the damage when your dog is still untrained:

  • Keep your dog’s vaccinations up to date. In many parts of the country, your unvaccinated dog biting someone else can be the least thing that you would worry about because your dog could die (or be put to death) for it. Better be updated than sorry.
  • Educate your family and visitors. Take the time to inform your children and visitors about your dog’s current situation and behavior, as well as how to act around your and other dogs, what to watch out for and what to do in case a dog attacks them.
  • Seek professional help. If your dog shows any signs of aggression or you’re simply having a hard time controlling your dog, it’s best to seek a veterinarian or professional dog trainer.

Read More: What To Do If Your Dog Bites You 

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About the Author: Wizzard