Black Russian Terrier Dog Breed Information - All About Dogs

Black Russian Terrier

Black Russian Terrier


The Black Russian Terrier (also known as Black Terrier) was bred during the early 1950s in USSR, by Soviet Army scientists who were trying to create a dog for military work. Since the Russian Black Terrier is a multi-talented dog, he is used for various purposes, including search and rescue, guarding, tracking, retrieving, competitive obedience and police work. The Black Russian Terrier was officially recognized by the American Kennel Club in 2004.

Height: 26-28 inches  Weight: 80-140 pounds  Lifespan: 10-14 years


The Black Russian Terrier is a large dog with slightly elongated, muscular, squarely built body. The head is long with the wedge-shaped muzzle, while the eyes are dark and small. This robust dog is very active, always happy to keep you company during fishing, sailing, cycling or hiking. Russian Terriers are very energetic, hardy, brave and reliable dogs. This breed is a wonderful companion and a loyal member of the family. Comparable Breed: The Giant Schnauzer and Bouvier des Flandres.


The Black Russian Terrier is a dog with a well-balanced character. He is affectionate, courageous and determined. However, since this dog breed was traditionally bred to guard and protect, it can sometimes be overly protective. Moreover, Russian Terrier is particularly cold with strangers. These dogs do well with other dog breeds, small pets and children, provided that they have been properly socialized.

Coat / Care

Black Russian Terriers are extremely low shedders. The coat is coarse, extremely dense, never silky or wooly. The outer layer covers the entire dog’s body and varies in length from 1.6 to 3.9 inches. The bottom layer is dense and well-developed. Facial hair forms rough, thick mustache on the upper jaw and something like a beard on the bottom. The dog’s neck and back are adorned with longer hair, forming a kind of mane. Also, forelegs (up to the elbows) and hind legs are covered with rough, long hair.

The Black Russian Terrier’s coat color comes in black or black with some scattered gray hairs. These dogs require weekly maintenance, using a stiff brush or a comb. The dog’s ears, claws and teeth require special care. About 3-4 times a year, the Russian Terrier professional trimming.

Health Problems

The Black Russian Terrier is generally healthy dog breed, but like all breeds, they’re prone to Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA), Hip Dysplasia, Elbow Dysplasia, and Allergies. The Black Russian Terrier has a life expectancy of 10 to 14 years.

Weight / Height

The male Black Russian Terrier dog breed’s height is around 27 – 30 inches and weighs around 100 and 130 pounds. Female Russian Terrier dogs can reach a size from 26 – 29 inches and weighs between 80 and 120 pounds. Male dogs are generally larger than females.


Education is rather easy since the Black Russian Terrier can grasp literally every new information. In addition, Black Russian Terriers are eager to learn, and they truly enjoy the training process (especially agility training). Hence, these dogs are extremely successful in many canine sports.


Dogs of this breed can be kept in absolutely any environment, provided that they exercise sufficiently. Hence, the Black Russian Terrier needs a great deal of physical and mental stimulation, and he loves to be on the move. Make sure not to be too harsh, since excessive training of young dogs may cause damage to the bones muscles and joints.

Black Russian Terrier

Photo Credit: Seongbin Im/Flickr; MsSaraKelly/Flickr

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