The Boerboel is also known as South African Mastiff. This is the only non-aggressive dog from South Africa, designed for protection and defense. This breed was developed in 1652. In the 20th century, this breed almost disappeared, but it has been restored, and now enjoys great popularity. It is highly popular in Australia, Europe, Asia, Russia and the United States. The Boerboel was officially recognized by the American Kennel Club in 2015.
Weight: 150-200 pounds. Height: 22-27 inches. Life expectancy: 9-11 years
This is a strong and large breed, calm and very intuitive. Intuition allows dogs to anticipate and understand owner`s feelings. He is intelligent, powerful, muscular, and has an impressive appearance. Comparable Breeds: The Mastiff and Bullmastiff.
The Boerboel is not recommended for inexperienced dog breeders. However, he gets along well with all the pets. This dog is obedient and smart, and very affectionate with children. Dogs of this breed are fearless and will not hesitate to protect your family and your home. Boerboel will not show aggression unless he sees the danger or in case he receives a command to attack.
Coat / Care:
This breed has smooth, dense and short fur. The Boerboel is an average shedder and needs regular brushing to remove dead hair. Bathing should be done when necessary.
Health Problems:
The Boerboel is generally healthy breed, but like all breeds, they’re prone to Hip Dysplasia and even Epilepsy. The Boerboel has a life expectancy of 9 to 11 years.
Weight / Height
The male Boerboel dog breed’s height is around 24 – 27 inches and weighs around 150 and 200 pounds. Female Boerboel dogs can reach a size from 22 – 25 inches and weighs between 150 and 180 pounds. These male dogs are generally larger than females.
Boerboel needs a strong owner, but nevertheless, he will not be subjected to rigid and sharp handling. He should be treated with respect. Firm and consistent obedience training are crucial.
Boerboel will not be able to live in a city apartment, it needs a large fenced yard. He is very attached to his family and cannot stand being alone. These dogs love playing outdoors and walking on a leash.