The Komondor, also known as the Hungarian Sheepdog, is a confident, serious dog that is always ready to protect his family. This dog has a distinctive look, he is very affectionate and loves being around people but is very wary of strangers. However, if this breed does not feel threatened by you, it will very quickly become warmer. Komondors are perfectly able to protect the flock. The Komondor was officially recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1937.
Height: 25-28 inches Weight: 80-100 pounds Lifespan: 10-12 years
The Komondor is very obedient and likes to be rewarded. However, Because of their overprotective qualities, these dogs must be properly socialized as puppies. Comparable Breed: Kuvasz, Puli.
This is a faithful breed, extremely devoted to its family. Komondors are good guards by nature, so they are often used to protect a variety of objects. However, the Komondor’s guarding instincts can easily turn into aggression.
Coat / Care:
The coat is long and thick, forming distinctive braids. The Komondor’s unique, white-colored coat helps him stand out from the sheep flock, making him invisible. The hair should be heavy and always have a natural look. Shedding is minimal with this breed. However, the Komondor’s “shaggy” look requires lots of care. Hence, bathing and drying are time-consuming (drying takes at least 24 hours). Dental hygiene and nail care are also very important.
Health Problems:
The Komondor is generally healthy dog breed, but like all breeds, they can be prone to Hip Dysplasia, Entropion and Gastric Torsion (Bloat). The Komondor has a life expectancy of 10 to 12 years.
Weight / Height
The male Komondor dog breed’s height is around 27 – 27.5 inches and weighs around 90 and 100 pounds. Female Komondor dogs can reach a size from 25 – 25.5 inches and weighs between 80 and 90 pounds. Male dogs are generally larger than females.
Komondors are very intelligent but can be too independent and stubborn. Therefore, obedience training must be conducted at very young age. Also, this breed requires early socialization so that it could familiarize with the surroundings. This will prevent the aggressive outburst.
The Komondor is not suitable for keeping in a city apartment or condominium. However, this breed thrives in a big house with a spacious and well-fenced yard. Komondors are characterized by laziness, but they will do the exercises since they have a very strong sense of responsibility.
Photo Credit: Ana Fuentes/Flickr; Robert Thompson/Flickr; Victor Chapa/Flickr